Thursday 19 September 2013

Strange Meeting

Yesterday evening.
I was coming back home from the beach where I had spent a happy hour doodling in my notebook. Walking up one of the roads from the seafront that led me to New Church Road, I noticed a man stood in front of one of the front gardens. His attitude suggested he was a resident of of the house behind him. I was listening to my headphones, and stopped when I realised he wanted my attention. He was drinking from a can of beer, but didn't seem drunk though. I'd estimate his age to be in his mid-40s. As soon as I saw him, I had the feeling that he was the kind of person to be wary of. He looked like a heroin user, a street drinker, a mugger, a thief. Like everyone you ever want to avoid.
'What music you listening to mate?'
I wasn't expecting this.
'A band called Reigns' I replied.
'What are they, a rock band?'
Reigns aren't an easy band to describe at the best of times. The album I was listening to 'House on the Causeway' is a concept album about a phantasmal house appearing on a mysterious promontory. There are no names for the members of the band, merely 'operative a' and 'operative b'. Their last album, The Widow Blades, was about an old woman who disappeared in a snow storm.
I didn't explain this to him, and agreed that they were a 'rock band'.
He then told me the bands he liked; 'U2, Madonna, Tracey Chapman, Kate Bush...'
I had no idea where this was leading, but it was obvious he wanted something from me now.
'Yeah, I like Kate Bush too...'
I began to wonder where this was all leading, and what I could do to get out of this situation. I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable.
'Do you have any of her albums?'
'Yeah, a few...'
'Tell you what, if I gave you some computer discs could you burn some for me..?'
Here was my get-out clause.
'Sorry mate, my computer's fucked'.
He looked disappointed, not that he wasn't getting any Kate Bush albums, but that his ruse (whatever it was for) wasn't working.
'Anyway' I continued 'Nice talking to you mate'.
I headed off up the street, eminently puzzled by the whole experience. Maybe he just wanted some Kate Bush albums... Maybe he was going to invite me into his house 'just to get the discs' and then murder me.
I suppose I'll never know. Just as well really.