Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nostalgia for Autumnal Cigarettes

Mild illness has turned into a racking cough, but at least the debilitating headache of the last few days is gone, and I was able to sleep quite well last night.
It rained almost all day yesterday, which suited my mood, a poisonous desolate melancholy, and I got soaked walking into town and back. Whilst in W.H.Smith flicking through 2000ad, I ran into someone who I used to work with, who filled me in on all the latest people leaving the company. It seems that things haven't improved there at all.
Back to being sunny today - at least what I see through the gap in the curtains. I should go out there and make the most of it before the winter comes, which is always soon enough. Autumn never lasts long enough.
I feel nostalgic for cigarettes this morning, which doesn't mean I want them. There were certain autumnal cigarettes I long for. These were cigarettes smoked on certain, well, autumnal days, bright and at the beginning of the season. Silk-cut fug filling lungs, taste of mornings and odd romantic optimism, first breath of cold in the air.
No cigarettes for me though, autumnal or otherwise.
I am listening to Warfare's just downloaded 'Metal Anarchy' album. The one thing I can't remember though is whether or not I used to have this on vinyl.
No idea at all.
Still, I remember the Warfare album, a compilation 'The New Age of Total Warfare', I ordered from Amazon last year. The first time I listened to it was making my way home after a works do (I think it was the Values Awards at the Hilton Metropole on the seafront). December night - I can't remember if it was cold, but the air had that crispy feel of coming up to Christmas - and I was a bit drunk but pleased with how the night had gone.
Feels like a long time ago now.