Thursday 26 September 2013

1:35am (Black Bridge and Broken Years)

The beach was drowned in fog. A tropical heat. I began to feel sick and headed up into town to escape the gloom, and buy too much chocolate.
I got home about 5:00pm, and nauseous lay down on my mattress to try and sleep. Em ran and I joined her at Tescos for a cup of tea. Early darkness and rain that didn't break the tension.
She went to work and I went for a long walk - down Cromwell Road, and up onto Wilbury Crescent (angles of my old room, I was happy living here). I pass by the petrol station - closed as there was a tanker delivery - and cut down Sackville Road, under the Black Bridge (my name for the railway that cuts over the road). Called in at Sainsburys - ignored our next door neighbour - came home.
Spent all evening lying on the mattress. Try to spend all night awake so I can sleep the day.
God, I can see why people drink now. This is a broken year.