Thursday 5 September 2013

Five Minutes in the Afternoon

Met Em at 11:00am, and after walking with her for a while headed off into town. Unbelievable heat - humid, nostalgic and slightly feverish, like all those summers you can't quite remember, but feel you should (building card houses in the bright gardens of afternoons that precede storms). So many people about, and not one sign of September anywhere. Wandered down the North Laine, bought a couple of copies of Comics Journal and proceeded to the Pavilion Gardens where I flicked through them, and Thomas Ligotti's Noctuary. Instant coffee finished, I headed up through town, the dry heat of Western Road, dusty light like the summer of 2001, bought vegetables and pineapple juice from Tescos. Summer of 1995, walking through those endless fields outside of Bretforton, walking to the next village to buy cigarettes, listening to Crash-Landing Chemistry by The Dry Halleys. No breeze and time stretched out forever.
My room is cool and always shadowy. The gap in the curtains shows a bright fragment of these, surely, last of summer days.