Thursday 5 September 2013

Blame it on the Humidity

After walking Em home last night, I realise the streets back are awash with cats. They slouch on walls, and sit in the shadows of parked cars. They watch me with that cliche-cat disinterest. Sneak out of hedges, watch jealously from windows. Why are there so many cats about?
Perhaps it is the heat. The heatwave was hotter than this, but there is a draining humidity everywhere. The air feels heavy. Even the simplest things leave you exhausted. Until I walked Em home last night, I hadn't left the house all day - and woke up an 1:35pm.
Empty days, but I can't relax. I want to be making the most of this time not working, and by god, I'm glad not to be working at that dreadful call centre any more, but I seem to be spending most of my time worrying about the future.
Blame it on the humidity.