Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday Night - 10:02pm

What to do with the last two hours of Sunday night?
I can already feel the alarm, the heaviness of my own body, of 7:00am and that physical drag of getting out of bed.

A bright, sunny day. Took a walk to the pylon country out beyond Benfield Valley park. Came back and slept, read for while (a story in an old book of horror stories called Under the Pylon) did washing, had dinner, drew for a while (the second page of my ridiculous Metroland adaptation).

Eyes are feeling a bit fucked now. Addicted to eye drops, which does improve the eye-strain, at least a little. My body feels cramped though, as if the air it inhabits is too small and closing in on it.
I try not to think about the future, those inevitable grey lands after Christmas.