Monday 5 November 2012

Long Hair and Beards

At the Geekest Link pub quiz with Stuart, Nat and Mark from work, answering questions about Superman films, Doctor Who (nearly forgot it was Terrance Dicks who wrote The Five Doctors) and sc-fi literature of the last few years (not that we got anything right on that round aside from Mark who answered a question about Game of Thrones correctly).
We're in the Caroline of Brunswick pub, opposite central Brighton's notorious mugging ground the Level, and the pub is like a retirement home for people who sued to drink at the Hobgoblin when that was a rock / metal pub, way back in the mists (or is it midsts?) of time. Nowhere near as chaotic as the Hobgoblin could sometimes get, a right sleazy dive sometimes, but it is Sunday night. The lights in the gents toilets don't work, so the management have helpfully provided candles instead, so we all piss in a gloomy light the colour of Sundays in the Victorian era, and make jokes about black masses and old horror films.
As I look round the pub, I notice that I do not look out of place. There seems to be a surfeit of men with long hair, beards and (less frequently) glasses. It is like going to a convention where the majority of people are dressed like me.
One of these bearded men sits down at our table when Nat has gone to get a drink. Nobody knows him. We all look at him, waiting to see what will happen next. He looks at us with an expression of surprise.
"I'm on the wrong table" he says. My table's next door".
I look at the table next door.
It is full of men with long hair and beards.