Saturday 10 November 2012

Gloomy Routine

What is more gloomy than the Saturday of the last weekend of a holiday? Normal service has been resumed. This could be a run of the mill Saturday, a couple of days to yourself to catch up on things, before the carnivorous routine of work eats up all your time. I can already hear that alarm on Monday morning, that desperate rush home when I finish work in darkness (it is my week of 10:00am - 7:00pm shifts next week), then that struggle to try and get some energy to do something other than stare numbly at the television, and succeeding in this only at 11:00pm or so, when you have to go to bed, and fall asleep with that dread of the alarm already there.
You wait for the weekend, for some time (if I'm not working Saturdays that is) and it gets to Saturday afternoon - about now say - and you get so scared of wasting the precious time you have left that you end up doing nothing because you can't decide what to do, and if you do decide to do something enjoyable, then that makes the time - and the weekend - go even quicker.
I'm sure there must be a better way of living than this.