Monday 12 November 2012

Monday Morning - 8:28am

Ah well, this is it, that moment of a holiday that haunts the rest of all those days off preceding, Mionday morning. Just finished a bowl of porridge (Quakers Oats) and have a cup of tea to drink. My right hand is slightly sticky from the honey I put into the porridge (I somehow managed to get on my hands). All that I have left to do is brush my teeth, hunt for the things I will inevitably not be able to find (keys, i-pod, headphones, wallet) and then head out for that walk to work. Seems to be quite a cold and wintry day out there, which is good. I'm quite looking forward to the walk to work... if not work itself. Have just been on Facebook and one of my colleagues has already said that he is not looking forward to today as it is going to be so busy... Hmm.
I hear the cries of children net door - them or their mother (I cannot tell. She is always shouting).. Aside from that it is silent, and my holiday is officially over.